For the last 30 years, many manufactures, representing many industries, have depended on us for their milling and turning needs. Our customers think of us as an extension of their manufacturing capabilities. Our 13 CNC machines, streamlined processes, flexible management, and low overhead translates into competitive pricing on quality parts on your time schedule. Your company can access the latest in CNC technology that offers a turning range from ¼” to 28” diameter and milling travel up to 52” x 26” when you use North American Tool & Machine for your machining needs.
We have the experience and expertise to handle any sensitive custom machining application requirements for demanding industries that keep our country moving. Many of the parts we manufacture are used in power machinery, medical devices, and even transportation equipment used every day.
We continue to bring in the best machines to make the parts you need to keep your equipment up to speed. Call us today and let us show you how we can make the difference.
508-248-9862 |

Robotics Automation Industry |